
xskillscore.reliability(observations, forecasts, dim=None, probability_bin_edges=array([0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.]), keep_attrs=False)
Returns the data required to construct the reliability diagram for an event;

the relative frequencies of occurrence of an event for a range of forecast probability bins

  • observations (xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray) – The observations or set of observations of the event. Data should be boolean or logical (True or 1 for event occurance, False or 0 for non-occurance).

  • forecasts (xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray) – The forecast likelihoods of the event. Data should be between 0 and 1.

  • dim (str or list of str, optional) – Dimension(s) over which to compute the histograms Defaults to None meaning compute over all dimensions.

  • probability_bin_edges (array_like, optional) – Probability bin edges used to compute the reliability. Similar to np.histogram, all but the last (righthand-most) bin include the left edge and exclude the right edge. The last bin includes both edges. Defaults to 6 equally spaced edges between 0 and 1

  • keep_attrs (bool, optional) – If True, the attributes (attrs) will be copied from the first input to the new one. If False (default), the new object will be returned without attributes.


The relative frequency of occurrence for each probability bin

Return type

xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray


>>> forecasts = xr.DataArray(np.random.normal(size=(3,3,3)),
...                          coords=[('x', np.arange(3)),
...                                  ('y', np.arange(3)),
...                                  ('member', np.arange(3))])
>>> observations = xr.DataArray(np.random.normal(size=(3,3)),
...                             coords=[('x', np.arange(3)),
...                                     ('y', np.arange(3))])
>>> xs.reliability(observations > 0.1,
...                (forecasts > 0.1).mean('member'),
...                dim='x')
<xarray.DataArray (y: 3, forecast_probability: 5)>
array([[nan, 0. , nan, 1. , nan],
       [1. , 0.5, nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, 0. , nan, 0. , nan]])
  * y                     (y) int64 0 1 2
  * forecast_probability  (forecast_probability) float64 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
    samples               (y, forecast_probability) float64 0.0 2.0 ... 1.0 0.0


See http://www.cawcr.gov.au/projects/verification/