Changelog History

xskillscore v0.0.21 (2021-XX-XX)

xskillscore v0.0.20 (2021-05-08)


  • Specify category distribution type with input_distributions in rps() if category_edges==None that forecasts and observations are probability distributions p or cumulative distributionss c. See rps() docstrings and doctests for examples. (GH#300) Aaron Spring

  • Added slope of linear fit linslope(). (GH#307) Ray Bell

Internal Changes

xskillscore v0.0.19 (2021-03-12)


Breaking changes

Bug Fixes

Internal Changes

xskillscore v0.0.18 (2020-09-23)


Internal Changes

Bug Fixes


  • Added to trigger built-in Github contribution guide reference (GH#181) mcsitter.

xskillscore v0.0.17 (2020-09-06)


Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes


Internal Changes

xskillscore v0.0.16 (2020-07-18)

Internal Changes

Bug Fixes

xskillscore v0.0.15 (2020-03-24)


  • Update the XSkillScoreAccessor with all metrics. Ray Bell

xskillscore v0.0.14 (2020-03-20)


  • Add r2 as an implementation of sklearn.metrics.r2_score. Ray Bell

xskillscore v0.0.13 (2020-03-17)

Bug Fixes

xskillscore v0.0.12 (2020-01-09)

Internal Changes

  • ~30-50% speedup for deterministic metrics when weights=None. Aaron Spring

xskillscore v0.0.11 (2020-01-06)


  • Add effective_sample_size, pearson_r_eff_p_value, and spearman_r_eff_p_value for computing statistical significance for temporally correlated data with autocorrelation. Riley X. Brady

xskillscore v0.0.10 (2019-12-21)


  • mad no longer works and is replaced by median_absolute_error. Riley X. Brady

Bug Fixes

  • skipna for pearson_r and spearman_r and their p-values now reports accurate results when there are pairwise nans (i.e., nans that occur in different indices in a and b) Riley X. Brady


  • Test that results from grid cells in a gridded product match the same value if their time series were input directly into functions. Riley X. Brady

  • Test that metric results from xskillscore are the same value as an external package (e.g. numpy, scipy, sklearn). Riley X. Brady

  • Test that skipna=True works properly with pairwise nans. Riley X. Brady