API Reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of xskillscore’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the relevant chapters in the main part of the documentation.

Deterministic Metrics

Correlation Metrics

pearson_r(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, …])

Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

pearson_r_p_value(a, b[, dim, weights, …])

2-tailed p-value associated with pearson’s correlation coefficient.

pearson_r_eff_p_value(a, b[, dim, skipna, …])

2-tailed p-value associated with Pearson’s correlation coefficient, accounting for autocorrelation.

spearman_r(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, …])

Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

spearman_r_p_value(a, b[, dim, weights, …])

2-tailed p-value associated with Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

spearman_r_eff_p_value(a, b[, dim, skipna, …])

2-tailed p-value associated with Spearman rank correlation coefficient, accounting for autocorrelation.

effective_sample_size(a, b[, dim, skipna, …])

Effective sample size for temporally correlated data.

r2(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

R^2 (coefficient of determination) score.

linslope(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, …])

Slope of linear fit.

Distance Metrics

me(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

Mean Error.

rmse(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

Root Mean Squared Error.

mse(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

Mean Squared Error.

mae(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

Mean Absolute Error.

median_absolute_error(a, b[, dim, skipna, …])

Median Absolute Error.

smape(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error.

mape(a, b[, dim, weights, skipna, keep_attrs])

Mean Absolute Percentage Error.

Probabilistic Metrics

Currently, most of our probabilistic metrics are ported over from properscoring to work with xarray DataArrays and Datasets.

brier_score(observations, forecasts[, …])

Calculate Brier score (BS).

crps_ensemble(observations, forecasts[, …])

Continuous Ranked Probability Score with the ensemble distribution.

crps_gaussian(observations, mu, sig[, dim, …])

Continuous Ranked Probability Score with a Gaussian distribution.

crps_quadrature(observations, cdf_or_dist[, …])

Continuous Ranked Probability Score with numerical integration of the normal distribution.

threshold_brier_score(observations, …[, …])

Calculate the Brier scores of an ensemble for exceeding given thresholds.

rps(observations, forecasts, category_edges)

Calculate Ranked Probability Score.

rank_histogram(observations, forecasts[, …])

Returns the rank histogram (Talagrand diagram) along the specified dimensions.

discrimination(observations, forecasts[, …])

Returns the data required to construct the discrimination diagram for an event;

reliability(observations, forecasts[, dim, …])

Returns the data required to construct the reliability diagram for an event;

roc(observations, forecasts[, bin_edges, …])

Computes the relative operating characteristic for a range of thresholds.

Contingency-based Metrics

These metrics rely upon the construction of a Contingency object. The user calls the individual methods to access metrics based on the table.

Contingency(observations, forecasts, …)

Class for contingency based skill scores

Contingency table


Dichotomous-Only (yes/no) Metrics


Returns the number of hits (true positives) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the number of misses (false negatives) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the number of false alarms (false positives) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the number of correct negatives (true negatives) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the bias score(s) for dichotomous contingency data


Returns the hit rate(s) (probability of detection) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the false alarm ratio(s) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the false alarm rate(s) (probability of false detection) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the success ratio(s) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the threat score(s) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the equitable threat score(s) for dichotomous contingency data.


Returns the odds ratio(s) for dichotomous contingency data


Returns the odds ratio skill score(s) for dichotomous contingency data

Multi-Category Metrics


Returns the accuracy score(s) for a contingency table with K categories


Returns the Heidke skill score(s) for a contingency table with K categories


Returns the Peirce skill score(s) (Hanssen and Kuipers discriminantor true skill statistic) for a contingency table with K categories.


Returns Gerrity equitable score for a contingency table with K categories.

roc(observations, forecasts[, bin_edges, …])

Computes the relative operating characteristic for a range of thresholds.


Tests to compare whether one forecast is significantly better than another one.

sign_test(forecasts1, forecasts2[, …])

Returns the Delsole and Tippett sign test over the given time dimension.

mae_test(forecasts1, forecasts2[, …])

Returns the Jolliffe and Ebert MAE significance test.


Functions for resampling from a dataset with or without replacement that create a new iteration dimension.

resample_iterations(forecast, iterations[, …])

Resample over dim by index iterations times.

resample_iterations_idx(forecast, iterations)

Resample over dim by index iterations times.